How Can I Overcome Loneliness: 5 Simple Ways To Overcome Loneliness and Feel Better -->

How Can I Overcome Loneliness: 5 Simple Ways To Overcome Loneliness and Feel Better

 How Can I Overcome Loneliness: 5 Simple Ways To Overcome Loneliness and Feel Better.

Overcoming loneliness is not a herculean task. All it requires is a simple and deliberate action. What do I mean?

At some point in our lives, we will have to deal with loneliness; loneliness is a feeling just like happiness and sadness but prolonged loneliness can lead to depression hence the need to keep our emotions in check. 

The feeling of loneliness is not peculiar to a particular race, tribe, religion or gender. Anyone can be lonely.

A study published in the British medical journal (BMJ) in 2022 found out that loneliness affects a substantial portion of the global population, with varying prevalence rate across different age groups and regions.

According to global survey, about thirty-three (33) percent of adults experienced feelings of loneliness worldwide.

Although, the feeling of loneliness needs to be tackled immediately because prolonged loneliness can lead to depression.

Loneliness is a common feeling and there are things you can engage in that can make you feel better.

Here are eight (5) simple ways to overcome loneliness and feel better.

  • Become your own best friend: Did you know that you can have a lot of friends and still feel lonely? Sometimes, feeling lonely does not have anything to do with the people around you, it might be as a result of low self-esteem or lack of self-confidence; In a situation whereby any of the aforementioned is the cause, you can tackle it by engaging in the following:

  • Looking into the mirror and appreciating that unique person staring right back
  • Make it an habit to always say kind words to yourself even when the going gets tough
  •  Never underestimate your ability
  • don’t be shy to call your name and tell yourself that you love you.

Another way to become your own best friend is to learn how to enjoy your own company such that with or without friends and loved ones you can never be lonely

  • Listen to music: Listening to music can be a power tool to help alleviate loneliness. Listening to uplifting music can help improve your mood. Music also have a way of diverting your attention from negative thoughts and emotions. Music serves as a healthy coping strategy for loneliness

  • Practice daily gratitude: Daily gratitude has to do with intentionally focusing on and appreciating the positive aspects of your life. This habit has numerous benefits for mental, emotional and physical well-being. one thing that is certain is the fact that there is always something to be grateful for. Gratitude helps you to reminisce on past events. Some of these events might even make you smile or laugh uncontrollably. 

  • Call a friend: you will agree with me that there is always that one friend that always has a way of lightening up our mood. If you are privileged to have one of such friends then it is advisable to reach out to the person. You both can have real time conversation. He/she can also help you re-establish a sense of connection. You both can talk about your past adventures which can also help to rekindle memories.

  • Volunteer for a cause that you are passionate about: volunteering is another means of overcoming loneliness. Volunteering for a cause that is dear to you will help feel good. You might also meet new people and acquire news skills which in return will help you snap out of loneliness.

Please note that loneliness isn’t permanent and you can deal with it by being intentional about overcoming it.

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